I speak little. When I do, listen without prejudice!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

"Every rose has its thorn!"

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"The Day the Music Died"

Ritchie (17), Buddy (22), Richardson (29)

February 3, 1959 - News cast on Radio Station KGLO - "We interrupt this program for a special news bulletin - 'Three young singers who had soared to the heights of showbusiness on the current rock n' roll craze were killed today in the crash of a light plane in an Iowa snow storm. The singers were identified as Ritchie Valens, 17; Buddy Holly, 22; and J.P. Richardson known professionally as 'The Big Bopper'..."

Three young lives snuffed out. The day now remains immortalized as "The Day the Music Died", in the eight-and-a-half minute long classic song by singer-songwriter Don McLean called - "American Pie".

Their music died that cold February day. Or did it?!!

The brilliant young men, today acknowledged by many as pioneers of rock n' roll; they took their chances and digs at life and made the best of their brief years; to be remembered for ages, perhaps forever, for all that they left behind, for the short symphonies of their lives.

What would we leave behind for our children? Music?!! Let it be the strains, the refrains, the symphonies, and the rhapsodies of our lives.

Monday, September 19, 2005


Sunday, September 18, 2005

Panoramic view from my office. The tall buildings on the left - Silver Oaks, my residence.

A view of my office, from the balcony of my home. The sun sets behind the office, throwing its last rays up from behind the horizon.

Pappu from Kuala Lumpur!!!

Found this adorable fellow in the 'Jusco' store the Mid-Valley mall in KL. I passed by him dangling from his stand once, picked him up, looked at him, smiled, looked at the price tag, set him back in place, and walked through the rest of my shopping. Hours later, when I finished running thorough the mall and some shopping, I returned back to the soft toys section. This time I couldn't set him back in place, and I bought him :-)

My room mate took one look at him and baptised him - "Pappu". The name was just appropriate. It stuck (at least as far as I am concerned) :-)

This fella just makes you want to pick him up and pat him on his head, rub his belly, play with his lil tail, everything you want to do to your own pet :-)

When I got Pappu, the intention was to have him put in the car. But as you can see, he is in no mood to stay all by himself in my car. He sleeps in my cap, and climbs flower vases in his free time. Cute fella! :-))

"Destressing" / Distressing

Framing a sunset through a window!

Nothing have I found to be as 'destressing' as music and coffee. Anything that plays on in the background as I sit up with my feet on the table and tap away at my laptop is good enough for me. Add to that a hot cup of coffee with a heady aroma.

Stressed with life? Music and coffee should help. I wish!!!

What happens to the bills? To the mounting credit card charges? And other 'unforeseen' expenses. There's a wedding coming up! Whose?!! Mine.

Yeah.. and that means all that you see coming into your bank account at the start of the month, flows out in the next couple of days. By the end of the first week of the month, you are counting everything on your fingers before you decide to spend.

But music and coffee still helps. Yeah... if it wasn't for all those other annoynances... all I'd have done would have been to listen to music and drink coffee!!